Aelius User's Manual

(c) 2013 Leonel Figueiredo de Alencar


Aelius is an ongoing free software, open source project aiming at developing a suite of Python, NLTK-based modules and interfaces to external freely available tools for shallow parsing of Brazilian Portuguese. It also includes resources such as language models, sample texts, and gold standards. Presently, Aelius offers facilities for tokenizing and POS-tagging corpora using a variety of tokenization strategies and tagsets, outputting annotations in different formats, such as in XML in the TEI P5 encoding scheme. A common interface to the following non-Python taggers is already implemented, extending NLTK, which provides interfaces only to the first two taggers:

A basic nominal chunker for the LX-Tagger tagset is also available.

This guide presents Aelius main capabilities and resources for tokenizing, morpho-syntactically annotating and chunking texts in Portuguese. Several practical recipes in form of individual commands and code snippets to execute interactively on the Python shell demonstrate how to perform these tasks.

In the following, I assume you are running the Python IDLE shell in an unixoid operating system like Mac OS X, Linux, etc or in an Unix-like environment under Windows. Text files should use Unix line breaks (LF character) and unicode utf-8 is assumed as the default file encoding, since both have become standard in corpus lnguistics. In order to execute the different commands in this tutorial, some familiarity with Python, the IDLE shell, the Unix shell and the Unix file system is recquired. Reading the first five chapters of the NLTK book is also strongly recommended:

Bird, S., Klein, E., & Loper, E. (2009). Natural Language Processing with Python: Analyzing Text with the Natural Language Toolkit. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.

You don't need in-depth programming skills, though. Everything you need to know for annotating corpora with Aelius can be learned in a two weeks crash course.

Aelius mainly targets native speakers or students and researches of Portuguese. For this reason, the names of most modules, functions, classes, variables, etc. are in Portuguese, as it is most of the documentation embedded in the Python source code, which together constitutes a detailed user's guide. But since some of Aelius facilities are not specific to Portuguese and can be used to annotate texts in other languages with NLTK and non-Python external tools, the present guide is written in English in order to reach potential users with insufficient, if any, reading skills in Portuguese.

The first version of Aelius was presented at the following conference, whose proceedings will hopefully be published soon; a draft of the presentation is available on-line:

Alencar, Leonel Figueiredo de. Aelius: uma ferramenta para anotação automática de corpora usando o NLTK. ELC 2010, The 9th Brazilian Corpus Linguistics Meeting, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul Catholic University (PUCRS), October 8 and 9, 2010.

The following paper deals with the present version of Aelius:

ALENCAR, L. F. de. Novos recursos do Aelius para o processamento computacional raso do português. In: LAPORTE, E.; SMARSARO, A.; VALE, O. (Eds.) Dialogar é preciso: linguística para o processamento de línguas. 1 ed. Vitória: PPGEL/UFES, 2013, p. 7-20.

For more example commands and for keeping updated with publications related to Aelius, please visit the CompLin blog (in Portuguese):

How to cite this document

Chicago Style

Alencar, Leonel Figueiredo de. "Aelius User's Manual". Universidade Federal do Ceará. 25 February 2013.


Alencar, Leonel Figueiredo de. Aelius User's Manual. Universidade Federal do Ceará, 2013. Web. 25 February 2013.


Alencar, Leonel Figueiredo de. Aelius User's Manual. 2013. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 25 fev. 2013.

How to cite Aelius

If you use Aelius, either the Python package itself or the corresponding language data (models, corpora, etc.) belonging to the distribution, in your research, you should cite accordingly. This is mandatory for any specialized software available on the Internet, as stated, for example, by Purdue Onnline Writing Lab [], which recommends the format below, based on APA.

If you use language data from the Aelius distribution based on third-party resources, such as a language model trained on a specific corpus, you should also cite the third-party resource accordingly. Please refer to the README file in the aelius_data folder for detailed information on these resources.

Please consult the file in the Aelius folder or print the Aelius.__version__ variable in the Python or IDLE shell for obtaining the version number and release year of your Aelius installation:

Obtaining Aelius version and release year on IDLE

Purdue OWL format

Alencar, L. F. de. (2013). Aelius Brazilian Portuguese POS-Tagger and Corpus Annotation Tool (Version 0.9.7) [Software]. Available from


Alencar, Leonel Figueiredo de. Aelius Brazilian Portuguese POS-Tagger and Corpus Annotation Tool, versão 0.9.7. Fortaleza: [s.n.], 2013. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 25 fev. 2013.


Presently, Aelius only works with version 2.0.1rc1 of NLTK, which you can download from here. I reccomend you install NLTK 2.0.1rc1 from source. I assume you have properly installed this version under Python 2.7 and the recquired additional Python libraries: PyYAML, NumPy, and Matplotlib.

If you have at least basic knowledge of Python and the Unix shell, and have some experience with free, open source command-line tools, installing Aelius and its external tools is quite straightfoward: Just put the Aelius subfolder of the unzipped downloaded folder in a place where Python can find it (for example, by including the respective path in your PYTHONPATH environment variable) and the aelius_data subfolder in your home directory. As for the external, non-Python libraries and executables, install them according to the respective installing instructions. You should include the paths to the Java jar files in your CLASSPATH environment variable, and the paths to external binaries in your PATH environment variable.

For people who are less familiar with typical free, open source software used in computational linguistics, here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Download the latest version of Aelius
  2. Unpack the zipped folder (e.g.
  3. If you don't have an Applications folder in your home directory yet, create one
  4. Move the Aelius subfolder to $HOME/Applications
  5. Move the aelius_data subfolder to your home directory
  6. Create an analises (i.e. 'analyses' in Portuguese) folder in your home directory in order to exactly reproduce some of the commands in this tutorial
  7. Append the path $HOME/Applications to your PYTHONPATH environment variable
  8. Create a bin subfolder in $HOME/Applications and put the two HunPos binaries hunpos-tag and hunpos-train in it
  9. Append the paths to the Stanford Tagger, MXPOST, and Apache OpenNLP jar files to your CLASSPATH environment variable

In sum, you should include the following lines into your .profile or .bash_profile file:

# path to MXPOST jar file
# path to MXPOST binary
export PATH

# path to HunPos binaries
export PATH

# path to Aelius package

# path to Stanford Tagger jar file (eventually, update the version date or the
# folder name to the one of your installed version)
# eventually, update the version date or the
# folder name to the one of your installed version
export PATH

For detailed installation instructions in Portuguese, see INSTALL file.


The Aelius package, i.e. the Python modules in the Aelius folder of the software distribution, is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE file.
Language models, corpora, etc. distributed in the aelius_data folder are made available under a different license than the software itself, namely the Open Content License [], see details in the next section.
The present documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Available language models

Models distributed with Aelius

Model Training corpus Architecture Programming language
AeliusRUBT.pkl Tycho Brahe Parsed Corpus of Historical Portuguese NLTK Python
AeliusBRUBT.pkl Tycho Brahe Parsed Corpus of Historical Portuguese NLTK Python
AeliusHunPos Tycho Brahe Parsed Corpus of Historical Portuguese HunPos OCaml
AeliusMaxEnt Tycho Brahe Parsed Corpus of Historical Portuguese MXPOST Java
AeliusHunPosMM MAC-Morpho HunPos OCaml
AeliusStanfordMM MAC-Morpho Stanford Log-linear Part-Of-Speech Tagger Java
AeliusMaxEntMM MAC-Morpho MXPOST Java
AeliusPerceptronOpenNLP.bin MAC-Morpho Apache OpenNLP Java
AeliusMaxentOpenNLP.bin MAC-Morpho Apache OpenNLP Java

For information on the tag-sets used by the models distributed with Aelius, visit the homepages of the respective training corpora:

Tycho Brahe Parsed Corpus of Historical Portuguese(TBCHP) [].

GALVES, C.; FARIA, P. Tycho Brahe Parsed Corpus of Historical Portuguese. [S.l.: s.n.], 2010. On-line: <>

MAC-MORPHO Corpus of Brazilian Portuguese (version prepared for tagger training [] and adapted for distribution with NLTK). This corpus is part of the Lácio-WebProject [].


Models are distributed solely for non-commercial, non-profit educational and research use under the terms of the Open Content License []. Besides, these resources constitute derivative work either of the Tycho Brahe Parsed Corpus of Historical Portuguese or the MAC-MORPHO Corpus, whose copyrights are held by the respective original authors, so that any use thereof must be compliant with the licenses of the corpora the models were trained on. See README file in the aelius_data folder for more information on the models and respective machine learning packages.

External models

Through NLTK interfaces to HunPos and Stanford Tagger, Aelius support tagging text in Portuguese with third-party language models as well as with models in the Aelius distribution. Beside these two interfaces to external, non-Python taggers, Aelius offers interfaces to the MXPOST and Apache OpenNLP taggers. Thus, for example, Aelius can annotate texts with the LX-Tagger model, which was trained on the CINTIL corpus, and Apache OpenNLP Portuguese POS probability models.

Basic tokenizing of a text

In the next sections, I will frequently use, among other texts, excerpts from Alencar & Othero (2012) for the purpose of exemplifying POS-tagging by Aelius. In the present section, we will see how to tokenize and morpho-syntactically annotate the following quotation from this book:
Na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, a área da Linguística Computacional está em extrema expansão e goza de muita popularidade, tanto nos cursos de Ciências da Computação quanto nos de Linguística. De fato, o estudo do processamento automático da linguagem natural é considerado nesses países como relevante não só para a indústria de software, mas também para a elaboração de teorias gramaticais formalmente consistentes e psicolinguisticamente realistas. (ALENCAR, Leonel Figueiredo de; OTHERO, Gabriel de Ávila. Abordagens computacionais da teoria da gramática. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2012, p. 9-10.)
>>> from Aelius import Toqueniza
>>> t="""Na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, a área da Linguística Computacional está em extrema expansão e goza de muita popularidade, tanto nos cursos de Ciências da Computação quanto nos de Linguística. De fato, o estudo do processamento automático da linguagem natural é considerado nesses países como relevante não só para a indústria de software, mas também para a elaboração de teorias gramaticais formalmente consistentes e psicolinguisticamente realistas."""
>>> t=t.decode("utf-8")
>>> sents=Toqueniza.PUNKT.tokenize(t)
>>> for sent in sents:
	for token in Toqueniza.TOK_PORT.tokenize(sent):
		print "%s" % token



Tagging a sentence with the default tagger

Screenshot from the Python IDLE shell

Tagging a sentence with the default tagger

Interactive session in textual format to copy and paste

>>> from Aelius import AnotaCorpus, Toqueniza
>>> sent=AnotaCorpus.EXEMPLO
>>> sent
u'Os candidatos classific\xe1veis dos cursos de Sistemas de Informa\xe7\xe3o poder\xe3o ocupar as vagas remanescentes do Curso de Engenharia de Software.'
>>> print sent
Os candidatos classificáveis dos cursos de Sistemas de Informação poderão ocupar as vagas remanescentes do Curso de Engenharia de Software.
>>> tokens=Toqueniza.TOK_PORT.tokenize(sent)
>>> tokens
[u'Os', u'candidatos', u'classific\xe1veis', u'dos', u'cursos', u'de', u'Sistemas', u'de', u'Informa\xe7\xe3o', u'poder\xe3o', u'ocupar', u'as', u'vagas', u'remanescentes', u'do', u'Curso', u'de', u'Engenharia', u'de', u'Software', u'.']
>>> m=AnotaCorpus.TAGGER2
>>> t=AnotaCorpus.anota_sentencas([tokens],AnotaCorpus.TAGGER2)
>>> t
[[(u'Os', u'D-P'), (u'candidatos', u'N-P'), (u'classific\xe1veis', u'ADJ-G-P'), (u'dos', u'P+D-P'), (u'cursos', u'N-P'), (u'de', u'P'), (u'Sistemas', u'NPR-P'), (u'de', u'P'), (u'Informa\xe7\xe3o', u'NPR'), (u'poder\xe3o', u'VB-R'), (u'ocupar', u'VB'), (u'as', u'D-F-P'), (u'vagas', u'ADJ-F-P'), (u'remanescentes', u'ADJ-G-P'), (u'do', u'P+D'), (u'Curso', u'NPR'), (u'de', u'P'), (u'Engenharia', u'NPR'), (u'de', u'P'), (u'Software', u'NPR'), (u'.', u'.')]]
>>> for w,t in t[0]:
	print "%s\%s " % (w,t),

Os\D-P  candidatos\N-P  classificáveis\ADJ-G-P  dos\P+D-P  cursos\N-P  de\P  Sistemas\NPR-P  de\P  Informação\NPR  poderão\VB-R  ocupar\VB  as\D-F-P  vagas\ADJ-F-P  remanescentes\ADJ-G-P  do\P+D  Curso\NPR  de\P  Engenharia\NPR  de\P  Software\NPR  .\. 

Loading example text files delivered with Aelius in the default data folder

Language models as well as some example text files are delivered with Aelius in the aelius_data folder. The following commands show how to load such files, extract excerpts from them and do some processing like tokenizing and tagging.
>>> from Aelius import Extras
>>> t=Extras.carrega("exemplo.txt")
>>> type(t)
<type 'str'>
>>> t
>>> import os
>>> os.path.expanduser("~")
>>> print open(t,"rU").read()[:444]
O excerto abaixo contém os dois primeiros parágrafos do romance "Luzia-Homem" (Rio de Janeiro, 1903), de Domingos Olímpio, nascido em Sobral, Ceará, em 18 de setembro de 1850 e falecido no Rio de Janeiro em 6 de outubro de 1906. O texto, extraído do site Wikisource, foi revisado por Leonel F. de Alencar.

O morro do Curral do Açougue emergia em suave declive da campina ondulada. Escorchado, indigente de arvoredo, o cômoro enegrecido
>>> linhas=open(t,"rU").readlines()
>>> print linhas[0]
O excerto abaixo contém os dois primeiros parágrafos do romance "Luzia-Homem" (Rio de Janeiro, 1903), de Domingos Olímpio, nascido em Sobral, Ceará, em 18 de setembro de 1850 e falecido no Rio de Janeiro em 6 de outubro de 1906. O texto, extraído do site Wikisource, foi revisado por Leonel F. de Alencar.

>>> linhas[1]
>>> linhas[2]
'O morro do Curral do A\xc3\xa7ougue emergia em suave declive da campina ondulada. Escorchado, indigente de arvoredo, o c\xc3\xb4moro enegrecido pelo sangue de reses sem conto, deixara de ser o s\xc3\xadtio sinistro do matadouro e a pousada predileta de bandos de urubutingas e camirangas vorazes. \n'
>>> para2=linhas[2].decode("utf-8")
>>> para2
u'O morro do Curral do A\xe7ougue emergia em suave declive da campina ondulada. Escorchado, indigente de arvoredo, o c\xf4moro enegrecido pelo sangue de reses sem conto, deixara de ser o s\xedtio sinistro do matadouro e a pousada predileta de bandos de urubutingas e camirangas vorazes. \n'
>>> from Aelius import Toqueniza, AnotaCorpus
>>> sents=Toqueniza.PUNKT.tokenize(para2)
>>> len(sents)
>>> listas_de_tokens=[Toqueniza.TOK_PORT.tokenize(s) for s in sents]
>>> listas_de_tokens
[[u'O', u'morro', u'do', u'Curral', u'do', u'A\xe7ougue', u'emergia', u'em', u'suave', u'declive', u'da', u'campina', u'ondulada', u'.'], [u'Escorchado', u',', u'indigente', u'de', u'arvoredo', u',', u'o', u'c\xf4moro', u'enegrecido', u'pelo', u'sangue', u'de', u'reses', u'sem', u'conto', u',', u'deixara', u'de', u'ser', u'o', u's\xedtio', u'sinistro', u'do', u'matadouro', u'e', u'a', u'pousada', u'predileta', u'de', u'bandos', u'de', u'urubutingas', u'e', u'camirangas', u'vorazes', u'.']]
>>> sentencas_anotadas=AnotaCorpus.anota_sentencas(listas_de_tokens,AnotaCorpus.TAGGER2)
>>> for s in sentencas_anotadas:
	for w,t in s:
		print "%s_%s" % (w,t)



Annotating a text in a file with the default tagger

The following subsections show how to tokenize and annotate a file, outputting a file in the standard NLTK POS-tagged corpus format to the current working directory.

File in Aelius default data folder

The file 'example.txt', distributed with Aelius in the aelius_data folder, is loaded and then processed by the AnotaCorpus.anota_texto() function. This function splits the text in paragraphs and segments them into sentences, which are in turn tokenized and tagged using the default options. Finally, the tagged file is loaded using the NLTK tagged corpus reader. Some exploring of the tagged file is thus exemplified.
>>> import os
>>> from Aelius import Extras, Toqueniza, AnotaCorpus
>>> t=Extras.carrega("exemplo.txt")
>>> raiz,nome=os.path.split(t)
>>> AnotaCorpus.anota_texto(nome,raiz=raiz)
Arquivo anotado:
>>> import nltk
>>> leitor_de_corpus=nltk.corpus.TaggedCorpusReader(".","exemplo.nltk.txt")
>>> leitor_de_corpus.tagged_sents()[0]
[('O', 'D'), ('excerto', 'N'), ('abaixo', 'ADV'), ('cont\xc3\xa9m', 'VB-P'), ('os', 'D-P'), ('dois', 'NUM'), ('primeiros', 'ADJ-P'), ('par\xc3\xa1grafos', 'N-P'), ('do', 'P+D'), ('romance', 'N'), ('"', 'QT'), ('Luzia', 'P'), ('-', '+'), ('Homem', 'NPR'), ('"', 'QT'), ('(', '('), ('Rio', 'NPR'), ('de', 'P'), ('Janeiro', 'NPR'), (',', ','), ('1903', 'NUM'), (')', '('), (',', ','), ('de', 'P'), ('Domingos', 'NPR'), ('Ol\xc3\xadmpio', 'NPR'), (',', ','), ('nascido', 'VB-AN'), ('em', 'P'), ('Sobral', 'NPR'), (',', ','), ('Cear\xc3\xa1', 'NPR'), (',', ','), ('em', 'P'), ('18', 'NUM'), ('de', 'P'), ('setembro', 'NPR'), ('de', 'P'), ('1850', 'NUM'), ('e', 'CONJ'), ('falecido', 'VB-PP'), ('no', 'P+D'), ('Rio', 'NPR'), ('de', 'P'), ('Janeiro', 'NPR'), ('em', 'P'), ('6', 'NUM'), ('de', 'P'), ('outubro', 'NPR'), ('de', 'P'), ('1906', 'NUM'), ('.', '.')]
>>> len(leitor_de_corpus.tagged_paras())
>>> leitor_de_corpus.sents()[0]
['O', 'excerto', 'abaixo', 'cont\xc3\xa9m', 'os', 'dois', 'primeiros', 'par\xc3\xa1grafos', 'do', 'romance', '"', 'Luzia', '-', 'Homem', '"', '(', 'Rio', 'de', 'Janeiro', ',', '1903', ')', ',', 'de', 'Domingos', 'Ol\xc3\xadmpio', ',', 'nascido', 'em', 'Sobral', ',', 'Cear\xc3\xa1', ',', 'em', '18', 'de', 'setembro', 'de', '1850', 'e', 'falecido', 'no', 'Rio', 'de', 'Janeiro', 'em', '6', 'de', 'outubro', 'de', '1906', '.']

File in the ~/analises folder

Copy the file actg.txt into your ~/analises folder in order to do the following exercise. This file contains a slightly modified edited version of the excerpt from the introduction of Alencar & Othero (2012) reproduced in the publisher's website.
>>> import os
>>> os.chdir(os.path.expanduser("~/analises"))
>>> t="actg.txt"
>>> AnotaCorpus.anota_texto(t)
Arquivo anotado:
Opening the tokenized and tagged 'actg.nltk.txt' file in a raw text editor such as Kate, Gedit, Emacs, etc. you will see something like this screenshot from the Aquamacs editor:

View of annotated file in the Aquamcs text editor

Exploring the NLTK models

The following commands show how to directly load Aelius NLTK models and tag sentences through the tag() and batch_tag() methods of NLTK taggers. A comparison between these methods and Aelius AnotaCorpus.anota_sentencas() function (as well as similar functions of Aelius), however, strongly suggests that latter is more accurate in handling proper names (NPR tag), at least for the sentence examples and language model considered. Another problem of directly using NLTK models is the need to encode the input.

Handling of proper names

>>> from Aelius import AnotaCorpus, Extras
>>> r=Extras.carrega("AeliusRUBT.pkl")
>>> rubt=AnotaCorpus.abre_etiquetador(r)
>>> rubt
<TrigramTagger: size=16001>
>>> from Aelius import ProcessaNomesProprios
>>> sents=ProcessaNomesProprios.SENTENCAS
>>> for sent in sents:
	print sent

– Luzia pediu a Deus e a Ávila para que lhe ajudassem a sair de Sobral .
Deus ajudou Luzia .
... Sobral era uma cidade intelectual .
... Cidade intelectual , Sobral tinha muitos poetas .
Município intelectual , Sobral tinha muitos poetas .
Fortaleza era uma cidade provinciana .
Ávila ajudou Luzia .
... Cansada , Luzia logo dormiu .
Ávida por sossego , Luzia deixou a cidade .
Ótimo !
Bom .
... – Bom .
! ? ? –

>>> tokens=[sent.split() for sent in sents]
>>> tokens[0]
[u'\u2013', u'Luzia', u'pediu', u'a', u'Deus', u'e', u'a', u'\xc1vila', u'para', u'que', u'lhe', u'ajudassem', u'a', u'sair', u'de', u'Sobral', u'.']
>>> rubt.tag(tokens[0])
[(u'\u2013', 'N'), (u'Luzia', 'NPR'), (u'pediu', 'VB-D'), (u'a', 'P'), (u'Deus', 'NPR'), (u'e', 'CONJ'), (u'a', 'D-F'), (u'\xc1vila', 'N'), (u'para', 'P'), (u'que', 'WPRO'), (u'lhe', 'CL'), (u'ajudassem', 'VB-SD'), (u'a', 'D-F'), (u'sair', 'VB'), (u'de', 'P'), (u'Sobral', 'NPR'), (u'.', '.')]
>>> rubt.tag(tokens[3])
[(u'...', '.'), (u'Cidade', 'NPR'), (u'intelectual', 'ADJ-G'), (u',', ','), (u'Sobral', 'NPR'), (u'tinha', 'TR-D'), (u'muitos', 'Q-P'), (u'poetas', 'N-P'), (u'.', '.')]
>>> for s in AnotaCorpus.anota_sentencas(tokens[:-3],r):
	for w,t in s:
		print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

–/(  Luzia/NPR  pediu/VB-D  a/P  Deus/NPR  e/CONJ  a/D-F  Ávila/NPR  para/P  que/WPRO  lhe/CL  ajudassem/VB-SD  a/D-F  sair/VB  de/P  Sobral/NPR  ./. 
Deus/NPR  ajudou/VB-D  Luzia/NPR  ./. 
.../.  Sobral/NPR  era/SR-D  uma/D-UM-F  cidade/N  intelectual/ADJ-G  ./. 
.../.  Cidade/N  intelectual/ADJ-G  ,/,  Sobral/NPR  tinha/TR-D  muitos/Q-P  poetas/N-P  ./. 
Município/N  intelectual/ADJ-G  ,/,  Sobral/NPR  tinha/TR-D  muitos/Q-P  poetas/N-P  ./. 
Fortaleza/N  era/SR-D  uma/D-UM-F  cidade/N  provinciana/ADJ-F  ./. 
Ávila/NPR  ajudou/VB-D  Luzia/NPR  ./. 
.../.  Cansada/VB-AN-F  ,/,  Luzia/NPR  logo/ADV  dormiu/VB-D  ./. 
Ávida/VB-AN-F  por/P  sossego/N  ,/,  Luzia/NPR  deixou/VB-D  a/P  cidade/N  ./. 
Ótimo/ADJ  !/. 
Bom/ADJ  ./. 
.../.  –/(  Bom/ADJ  ./. 
>>> for s in rubt.batch_tag(tokens[:-3]):
	for w,t in s:
		print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

–/N  Luzia/NPR  pediu/VB-D  a/P  Deus/NPR  e/CONJ  a/D-F  Ávila/N  para/P  que/WPRO  lhe/CL  ajudassem/VB-SD  a/D-F  sair/VB  de/P  Sobral/NPR  ./. 
Deus/NPR  ajudou/VB-D  Luzia/NPR  ./. 
.../.  Sobral/NPR  era/SR-D  uma/D-UM-F  cidade/N  intelectual/ADJ-G  ./. 
.../.  cidade/N  intelectual/ADJ-G  ,/,  Sobral/NPR  tinha/TR-D  muitos/Q-P  poetas/N-P  ./. 
município/N  intelectual/ADJ-G  ,/,  Sobral/NPR  tinha/TR-D  muitos/Q-P  poetas/N-P  ./. 
fortaleza/N  era/SR-D  uma/D-UM-F  cidade/N  provinciana/ADJ-F  ./. 
Ávila/N  ajudou/VB-D  Luzia/NPR  ./. 
.../.  cansada/VB-AN-F  ,/,  Luzia/NPR  logo/ADV  dormiu/VB-D  ./. 
ávida/N  por/P  sossego/N  ,/,  Luzia/NPR  deixou/VB-D  a/P  cidade/N  ./. 
ótimo/N  !/. 
bom/ADJ  ./. 
.../.  –/N  bom/ADJ  ./. 
>>> tokens=[sent.split() for sent in sents]
>>> for s in rubt.batch_tag(tokens[:-3]):
	for w,t in s:
		print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

–/N  Luzia/NPR  pediu/VB-D  a/P  Deus/NPR  e/CONJ  a/D-F  Ávila/N  para/P  que/WPRO  lhe/CL  ajudassem/VB-SD  a/D-F  sair/VB  de/P  Sobral/NPR  ./. 
Deus/NPR  ajudou/VB-D  Luzia/NPR  ./. 
.../.  Sobral/NPR  era/SR-D  uma/D-UM-F  cidade/N  intelectual/ADJ-G  ./. 
.../.  Cidade/NPR  intelectual/ADJ-G  ,/,  Sobral/NPR  tinha/TR-D  muitos/Q-P  poetas/N-P  ./. 
Município/NPR  intelectual/ADJ-G  ,/,  Sobral/NPR  tinha/TR-D  muitos/Q-P  poetas/N-P  ./. 
Fortaleza/N  era/SR-D  uma/D-UM-F  cidade/N  provinciana/ADJ-F  ./. 
Ávila/N  ajudou/VB-D  Luzia/NPR  ./. 
.../.  Cansada/VB-AN-F  ,/,  Luzia/NPR  logo/ADV  dormiu/VB-D  ./. 
Ávida/N  por/P  sossego/N  ,/,  Luzia/NPR  deixou/VB-D  a/P  cidade/N  ./. 
Ótimo/N  !/. 
Bom/ADJ  ./. 
.../.  –/N  Bom/NPR  ./. 

Handling of encoding and decoding

Documentation under construction. See source code.
>>> from Aelius import AnotaCorpus
>>> from Aelius import ProcessaNomesProprios
>>> sents=ProcessaNomesProprios.SENTENCAS
>>> tokens=[sent.split() for sent in sents]
>>> codificadas=AnotaCorpus.codifica_sentencas(tokens)
>>> for s in rubt.batch_tag(codificadas[:-3]):
	for w,t in s:
		print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

–/(  Luzia/NPR  pediu/VB-D  a/P  Deus/NPR  e/CONJ  a/D-F  Ávila/NPR  para/P  que/WPRO  lhe/CL  ajudassem/VB-SD  a/D-F  sair/VB  de/P  Sobral/NPR  ./. 
Deus/NPR  ajudou/VB-D  Luzia/NPR  ./. 
.../.  Sobral/NPR  era/SR-D  uma/D-UM-F  cidade/N  intelectual/ADJ-G  ./. 
.../.  Cidade/NPR  intelectual/ADJ-G  ,/,  Sobral/NPR  tinha/TR-D  muitos/Q-P  poetas/N-P  ./. 
Município/NPR  intelectual/ADJ-G  ,/,  Sobral/NPR  tinha/TR-D  muitos/Q-P  poetas/N-P  ./. 
Fortaleza/N  era/SR-D  uma/D-UM-F  cidade/N  provinciana/ADJ-F  ./. 
Ávila/NPR  ajudou/VB-D  Luzia/NPR  ./. 
.../.  Cansada/VB-AN-F  ,/,  Luzia/NPR  logo/ADV  dormiu/VB-D  ./. 
Ávida/N  por/P  sossego/N  ,/,  Luzia/NPR  deixou/VB-D  a/P  cidade/N  ./. 
Ótimo/N  !/. 
Bom/ADJ  ./. 
.../.  –/(  Bom/ADJ  ./. 
>>> s="Não sei se está funcionando .".decode("utf-8")
>>> rubt.tag(s.split())
[(u'N\xe3o', 'NPR'), (u'sei', 'VB-P'), (u'se', 'WQ'), (u'est\xe1', 'N'), (u'funcionando', 'VB-G'), (u'.', '.')]
>>> AnotaCorpus.codifica_sentencas([s.split()])
[['N\xc3\xa3o', 'sei', 'se', 'est\xc3\xa1', 'funcionando', '.']]
>>> codificada=AnotaCorpus.codifica_sentencas([s.split()])
>>> codificada
[['N\xc3\xa3o', 'sei', 'se', 'est\xc3\xa1', 'funcionando', '.']]
>>> rubt.batch_tag(codificada)
[[('N\xc3\xa3o', 'NEG'), ('sei', 'VB-P'), ('se', 'WQ'), ('est\xc3\xa1', 'ET-P'), ('funcionando', 'VB-G'), ('.', '.')]]

Annotating a sentence with external taggers

Models distributed with Aelius

Documentation under construction. See source code.

>>> from Aelius.AnotaCorpus import anota_sentencas
>>> from Aelius.Extras import carrega
>>> from Aelius.Toqueniza import TOK_PORT_MM as tok
>>> from Aelius.AnotaCorpus import extrai_corpus
>>> leitor_de_corpus=extrai_corpus("actg.txt")
>>> sents=leitor_de_corpus.sents()
>>> print sents[3]
[u'O', u'objetivo', u'central', u'deste', u'livro', u'\xe9', u'preencher', u'a', u'lacuna', u'existente', u'de', u'obras', u'que', u'explorem', u',', u'de', u'forma', u'mais', u'aprofundada', u',', u'a', u'aplica\xe7\xe3o', u'computacional', u'de', u'pesquisas', u'em', u'sintaxe', u'formal', u'.']
>>> tokens=sents[3]
>>> mxpost=carrega("AeliusMaxEntMM")
>>> sentencas_anotadas=anota_sentencas([tokens],mxpost,"mxpost",separacao_contracoes=True)
>>> for w,t in sentencas_anotadas[0]:
	print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

O/ART  objetivo/N  central/ADJ  de/PREP|+  este/PROADJ  livro/N  é/V  preencher/V  a/ART  lacuna/N  existente/ADJ  de/PREP  obras/N  que/PRO-KS-REL  explorem/V  ,/,  de/PREP  forma/N  mais/ADV  aprofundada/PCP  ,/,  a/ART  aplicação/N  computacional/ADJ  de/PREP  pesquisas/N  em/PREP  sintaxe/N  formal/ADJ  ./. 
>>> mxpost_tycho=carrega("AeliusMaxEnt")
>>> sentencas_anotadas=anota_sentencas([tokens],mxpost_tycho,"mxpost")
>>> for w,t in sentencas_anotadas[0]:
	print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

O/D  objetivo/ADJ  central/N  deste/P+D  livro/N  é/SR-P  preencher/VB  a/D-F  lacuna/N  existente/ADV  de/P  obras/N-P  que/WPRO  explorem/VB-SP  ,/,  de/P  forma/N  mais/ADV-R  aprofundada/VB-AN-F  ,/,  a/D-F  aplicação/N  computacional/ADJ-G  de/P  pesquisas/N-P  em/P  sintaxe/N  formal/ADJ-G  ./. 
>>> leitor_de_corpus=extrai_corpus("actg.txt",toquenizador_vocabular=tok)
>>> hunpos=carrega("AeliusHunPosMM")
>>> sents=leitor_de_corpus.sents()
>>> print sents[3]
[u'O', u'objetivo', u'central', u'deste', u'livro', u'\xe9', u'preencher', u'a', u'lacuna', u'existente', u'de', u'obras', u'que', u'explorem', u',', u'de', u'forma', u'mais', u'aprofundada', u',', u'a', u'aplica\xe7\xe3o', u'computacional', u'de', u'pesquisas', u'em', u'sintaxe', u'formal', u'.']
>>> tokens=sents[3]
>>> sentencas_anotadas=anota_sentencas([tokens],hunpos,"hunpos",separacao_contracoes=True)
>>> for w,t in sentencas_anotadas[0]:
	print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

O/ART  objetivo/N  central/ADJ  de/PREP|+  este/PROADJ  livro/N  é/VAUX  preencher/V  a/ART  lacuna/N  existente/ADJ  de/PREP  obras/N  que/PRO-KS-REL  explorem/V  ,/,  de/PREP  forma/N  mais/ADV  aprofundada/PCP  ,/,  a/ART  aplicação/N  computacional/ADJ  de/PREP  pesquisas/N  em/PREP  sintaxe/N  formal/ADJ  ./. 

Third-party models

Commands below first exemplify tagging a sentence with the LX-Tagger model from LX-Center. This model is not distributed with Aelius because of license reasons. However, it is freely downloadable from the creators website. Next, it is shown how to tag the same example with one of Aelius OpenNLP models. Finally, this sentence is tagged with one of Apache OpenNLP Portuguese models, which can be downloaded from the respective website.

>>> from Aelius.AnotaCorpus import anota_sentencas
>>> from Aelius.Extras import carrega
>>> from Aelius.Toqueniza import TOK_PORT_LX2 as tok
>>> from Aelius.AnotaCorpus import extrai_corpus
>>> leitor_de_corpus=extrai_corpus("actg.txt",toquenizador_vocabular=tok)
>>> sents=leitor_de_corpus.sents()
>>> print sents[3]
[u'O', u'objetivo', u'central', u'deste', u'livro', u'\xe9', u'preencher', u'a', u'lacuna', u'existente', u'de', u'obras', u'que', u'explorem', u',', u'de', u'forma', u'mais', u'aprofundada', u',', u'a', u'aplica\xe7\xe3o', u'computacional', u'de', u'pesquisas', u'em', u'sintaxe', u'formal', u'.']
>>> tokens=sents[3]
>>> lxtagger=carrega("lxtagger")
>>> sentencas_anotadas=anota_sentencas([tokens],lxtagger,"mxpost",separacao_contracoes=True)
>>> for w,t in sentencas_anotadas[0]:
	print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

O/DA  objetivo/CN  central/ADJ  de/PREP  este/DEM  livro/CN  é/V  preencher/INF  a/DA  lacuna/CN  existente/ADJ  de/PREP  obras/CN  que/REL  explorem/V  ,/PNT  de/PREP  forma/CN  mais/ADV  aprofundada/PPA  ,/PNT  a/DA  aplicação/CN  computacional/ADJ  de/PREP  pesquisas/CN  em/PREP  sintaxe/CN  formal/ADJ  ./PNT 
>>> from Aelius.Toqueniza import TOK_PORT_MM as tok
>>> leitor_de_corpus=extrai_corpus("actg.txt",toquenizador_vocabular=tok)
>>> sents=leitor_de_corpus.sents()
>>> tokens=sents[3]
>>> opennlp="../MAC-MORPHO_TRAIN/AeliusMaxentOpenNLP.bin"
>>> sentencas_anotadas=anota_sentencas([tokens],opennlp,"opennlp",separacao_contracoes=True)
>>> for w,t in sentencas_anotadas[0]:
	print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

O/ART  objetivo/N  central/ADJ  de/PREP|+  este/PROADJ  livro/N  é/V  preencher/V  a/ART  lacuna/N  existente/ADJ  de/PREP  obras/N  que/PRO-KS-REL  explorem/V  ,/,  de/PREP  forma/N  mais/ADV  aprofundada/PCP  ,/,  a/ART  aplicação/N  computacional/ADJ  de/PREP  pesquisas/N  em/PREP  sintaxe/N  formal/ADJ  ./. 
>>> opennlp="../apache-opennlp-1.5.2-incubating/pt-pos-maxent.bin"
>>> sentencas_anotadas=anota_sentencas([tokens],opennlp,"opennlp",separacao_contracoes=True)
>>> for w,t in sentencas_anotadas[0]:
	print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

O/art  objetivo/n  central/adj  de/prp  este/pron-det  livro/n  é/v-fin  preencher/v-inf  a/art  lacuna/n  existente/adj  de/prp  obras/n  que/pron-indp  explorem/v-fin  ,/punc  de/prp  forma/n  mais/adv  aprofundada/v-pcp  ,/punc  a/art  aplicação/n  computacional/adj  de/prp  pesquisas/n  em/prp  sintaxe/n  formal/adj  ./punc 

Aelius versus Apache OpenNLP

One of the advantages (and perhaps the most important one) of using Apache OpenNLP language models with Aelius is that Apache OpenNLP word tokenizer for Portuguese fails to split contractions and enclitic pronouns, which has a dramatic impact on tagger accuracy, as can be seen on the output of the Apache OpenNLP tagger applied to the respective tokenizer output. We have shown above that Aelius overcomes this problem.

$ opennlp SentenceDetector pt-sent.bin < ~/aelius_data/exemplo.txt > exemplo-sent-tok.txt
Loading Sentence Detector model ... done (0,077s)

Average: 260,9 sent/s 
Total: 6 sent
Runtime: 0.023s
$ opennlp TokenizerME pt-token.bin < exemplo-sent-tok.txt > exemplo-tok.txt
Loading Tokenizer model ... done (0,481s)

Average: 68,2 sent/s 
Total: 9 sent
Runtime: 0.132s
$ opennlp POSTagger pt-pos-maxent.bin < exemplo-tok.txt > exemplo-pos.txt
Loading POS Tagger model ... done (0,738s)

Average: 42,3 sent/s 
Total: 9 sent
Runtime: 0.213s
$ cat exemplo-pos.txt 
O_art excerto_adj abaixo_n contém_v-fin os_art dois_num primeiros_adj parágrafos_n do_v-pcp romance_n "Luzia-Homem"_prop (_punc Rio_prop de_prp Janeiro_n ,_punc 1903_num )_punc ,_punc de_prp Domingos_prop Olímpio_punc ,_punc nascido_v-pcp em_prp Sobral_prop ,_punc Ceará_prop ,_punc em_prp 18_num de_prp setembro_n de_prp 1850_num e_conj-c falecido_v-pcp no_adj Rio_prop de_prp Janeiro_n em_prp 6_num de_prp outubro_n de_prp 1906_num ._punc
O_art texto_n ,_punc extraído_v-pcp do_v-pcp site_n Wikisource_prop ,_punc foi_v-fin revisado_v-pcp por_prp Leonel_prop F_prop ._punc de_prp Alencar_prop ._punc

O_art morro_n do_v-ger Curral_prop do_v-pcp Açougue_prop emergia_n em_prp suave_n declive_v-fin da_v-pcp campina_n ondulada_v-pcp ._punc
Escorchado_prop ,_punc indigente_adv de_prp arvoredo_n ,_punc o_art cômoro_n enegrecido_v-pcp pelo_adv sangue_n de_prp reses_n sem_prp conto_n ,_punc deixara_v-fin de_prp ser_v-inf o_art sítio_n sinistro_adj do_v-ger matadouro_n e_conj-c a_art pousada_n predileta_adj de_prp bandos_n de_prp urubutingas_n e_conj-c camirangas_n vorazes_adj ._punc

Bateram-se_prop os_art vastos_n currais_adj ,_punc de_prp grossos_n esteios_pron-det de_prp aroeira_n ,_punc fincados_v-pcp a_prp pique_n ,_punc rijos_n como_adv barras_n de_prp ferro_n ,_punc currais_adj seculares_adj ,_punc obra_n ciclópica_adj ,_punc da_v-pcp qual_pron-det restava_v-fin apenas_adv ,_punc como_adv lúgubre_v-fin vestígio_n ,_punc o_art moirão_n ligeiramente_adv inclinado_v-pcp ,_punc adelgaçado_v-pcp no_adj centro_n ,_punc polido_n pelo_adv contínuo_v-fin atrito_v-pcp das_v-pcp cordas_n de_prp laçar_v-inf as_art vítimas_n ,_punc que_pron-indp a_prp ele_pron-pers eram_v-fin arrastadas_v-pcp aos_art empuxões_n ,_punc bufando_v-ger ,_punc resistindo_v-ger ,_punc ou_conj-c entregando_adv ,_punc resignadas_v-pcp e_conj-c mansas_adj ,_punc o_art pescoço_n à_pp faca_v-fin do_num magarefe_n ._punc
Ali_adv ,_punc no_adj sítio_n de_prp morte_n ,_punc fervilhavam_v-fin ,_punc então_adv ,_punc em_prp ruidosa_adj diligência_n ,_punc legiões_n de_prp operários_n construindo_v-ger a_art penitenciária_n de_prp Sobral_prop ._punc

>>> from Aelius.AnotaCorpus import anota_texto
>>> from Aelius.Toqueniza import TOK_PORT_MM as tok
>>> from Aelius.Extras import carrega
>>> texto=Extras.carrega("exemplo.txt")
>>> import os
>>> raiz,nome=os.path.split(texto)
>>> opennlp="../apache-opennlp-1.5.2-incubating/pt-pos-maxent.bin"
>>> AnotaCorpus.INFIXO=os.path.split(opennlp)[1]
>>> anota_texto(nome,opennlp,"opennlp",tok,raiz,separacao_contracoes=True)
Arquivo anotado:
>>> import nltk
>>> leitor_de_corpus=nltk.corpus.TaggedCorpusReader(".","")
>>> sents_anotadas=leitor_de_corpus.tagged_sents()
>>> for sent in sents_anotadas:
	for w,t in sent:
		print "%s_%s " % (w,t),

O_ART  excerto_ADJ  abaixo_N  contém_V-FIN  os_ART  dois_NUM  primeiros_ADJ  parágrafos_N  de_PRP  o_ART  romance_N  "_PUNC  Luzia-Homem_PROP  "_PUNC  (_PUNC  Rio_PROP  de_PRP  Janeiro_N  ,_PUNC  1903_NUM  )_PUNC  ,_PUNC  de_PRP  Domingos_PROP  Olímpio_PUNC  ,_PUNC  nascido_V-PCP  em_PRP  Sobral_PROP  ,_PUNC  Ceará_PROP  ,_PUNC  em_PRP  18_NUM  de_PRP  setembro_N  de_PRP  1850_NUM  e_CONJ-C  falecido_V-PCP  em_PRP  o_ART  Rio_PROP  de_PRP  Janeiro_N  em_PRP  6_NUM  de_PRP  outubro_N  de_PRP  1906_NUM  ._PUNC 
O_ART  texto_N  ,_PUNC  extraído_V-PCP  de_PRP  o_ART  site_N  Wikisource_PROP  ,_PUNC  foi_V-FIN  revisado_V-PCP  por_PRP  Leonel_PROP  F._PUNC  de_PRP  Alencar_PROP  ._PUNC 
O_ART  morro_N  de_PRP  o_ART  Curral_PROP  de_PRP  o_ART  Açougue_PROP  emergia_PUNC  em_PRP  suave_N  declive_V-FIN  de_PRP  a_ART  campina_N  ondulada_V-PCP  ._PUNC 
Escorchado_PROP  ,_PUNC  indigente_ADV  de_PRP  arvoredo_N  ,_PUNC  o_ART  cômoro_N  enegrecido_V-PCP  por_PRP  o_ART  sangue_N  de_PRP  reses_N  sem_PRP  conto_N  ,_PUNC  deixara_V-FIN  de_PRP  ser_V-INF  o_ART  sítio_N  sinistro_ADJ  de_PRP  o_ART  matadouro_N  e_CONJ-C  a_ART  pousada_N  predileta_ADJ  de_PRP  bandos_N  de_PRP  urubutingas_N  e_CONJ-C  camirangas_N  vorazes_ADJ  ._PUNC 
Bateram_V-FIN  se_PRON-PERS  os_ART  vastos_N  currais_ADJ  ,_PUNC  de_PRP  grossos_N  esteios_PRON-DET  de_PRP  aroeira_N  ,_PUNC  fincados_V-PCP  a_PRP  pique_N  ,_PUNC  rijos_N  como_ADV  barras_N  de_PRP  ferro_N  ,_PUNC  currais_ADJ  seculares_ADJ  ,_PUNC  obra_N  ciclópica_ADJ  ,_PUNC  de_PRP  a_ART  qual_PRON-DET  restava_V-FIN  apenas_ADV  ,_PUNC  como_ADV  lúgubre_V-FIN  vestígio_N  ,_PUNC  o_ART  moirão_N  ligeiramente_ADV  inclinado_V-PCP  ,_PUNC  adelgaçado_V-PCP  em_PRP  o_ART  centro_N  ,_PUNC  polido_N  por_PRP  o_ART  contínuo_N  atrito_V-PCP  de_PRP  as_ART  cordas_N  de_PRP  laçar_V-INF  as_ART  vítimas_N  ,_PUNC  que_PRON-INDP  a_PRP  ele_PRON-PERS  eram_V-FIN  arrastadas_V-PCP  a_PRP  os_ART  empuxões_N  ,_PUNC  bufando_V-GER  ,_PUNC  resistindo_V-GER  ,_PUNC  ou_CONJ-C  entregando_ADV  ,_PUNC  resignadas_V-PCP  e_CONJ-C  mansas_ADJ  ,_PUNC  o_ART  pescoço_N  a_PRP  a_ART  faca_N  de_PRP  o_ART  magarefe_N  ._PUNC 
Ali_ADV  ,_PUNC  em_PRP  o_ART  sítio_N  de_PRP  morte_N  ,_PUNC  fervilhavam_V-FIN  ,_PUNC  então_ADV  ,_PUNC  em_PRP  ruidosa_ADJ  diligência_N  ,_PUNC  legiões_N  de_PRP  operários_N  construindo_V-GER  a_ART  penitenciária_N  de_PRP  Sobral_PROP  ._PUNC 

Annotating a file with external taggers

Models distributed with Aelius

Loading models from the standard aelius_data folder

Documentation under construction. See source code.

>>> from Aelius import AnotaCorpus, Toqueniza, Extras
>>> texto="actg.txt"
>>> print open("actg.txt","rU").readlines()[:2]
['Abordagens Computacionais da Teoria da Gram\xc3\xa1tica. Organiza\xc3\xa7\xc3\xa3o: Leonel Figueiredo de Alencar e Gabriel de \xc3\x81vila Othero. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2012.\n', '\n']
>>> for linha in open("actg.txt","rU").readlines()[:3]:
	print linha,

Abordagens Computacionais da Teoria da Gramática. Organização: Leonel Figueiredo de Alencar e Gabriel de Ávila Othero. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2012.

O objetivo central deste livro é preencher a lacuna existente de obras que explorem, de forma mais aprofundada, a aplicação computacional de pesquisas em sintaxe formal. Busca oferecer aos leitores de língua portuguesa um material teoricamente bem fundamentado e, ao mesmo tempo, de leitura acessível na área de interface entre gramática e computação, sob a perspectiva de alguns dos principais modelos linguísticos dos últimos 25 anos caracterizadas por um design computacional.
>>> macmorpho=Extras.carrega("AeliusHunPosMM")
>>> AnotaCorpus.anota_texto(texto,macmorpho,"hunpos",Toqueniza.TOK_PORT_MM,separacao_contracoes=True)
Arquivo anotado:
>>> import nltk
>>> leitor_de_corpus=nltk.corpus.TaggedCorpusReader(".","actg.hunpos.txt")
>>> len(leitor_de_corpus.tagged_paras())
>>> sentencas_anotadas=leitor_de_corpus.tagged_sents()
>>> for w,t in sentencas_anotadas[0]:
	print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

Abordagens/N  Computacionais/ADJ  de/PREP|+  a/ART  Teoria/NPROP  de/PREP|+  a/ART  Gramática/N  ./. 
>>> tycho_brahe=Extras.carrega("AeliusHunPos")
>>> AnotaCorpus.INFIXO="tycho_hunpos"
>>> AnotaCorpus.anota_texto(texto,tycho_brahe,"hunpos",Toqueniza.TOK_PORT)
Arquivo anotado:
>>> leitor_de_corpus=nltk.corpus.TaggedCorpusReader(".","actg.tycho_hunpos.txt")
>>> sentencas_anotadas=leitor_de_corpus.tagged_sents()
>>> for w,t in sentencas_anotadas[0]:
	print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

Abordagens/N-P  Computacionais/ADJ-G-P  da/P+D-F  Teoria/NPR  da/P+D-F  Gramática/NPR  ./. 
>>> for w,t in sentencas_anotadas[3]:
	print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

O/D  objetivo/N  central/ADJ-G  deste/P+D  livro/N  é/SR-P  preencher/VB  a/D-F  lacuna/N  existente/ADJ-G  de/P  obras/N-P  que/WPRO  explorem/VB-P  ,/,  de/P  forma/N  mais/ADV-R  aprofundada/VB-AN-F  ,/,  a/D-F  aplicação/N  computacional/ADJ-G  de/P  pesquisas/N-P  em/P  sintaxe/N  formal/ADJ-G  ./. 

Loading models from other locations

Documentation under construction. See source code.

>>> from Aelius import AnotaCorpus, Toqueniza, Extras
>>> texto="actg.txt"
>>> opennlp="../MAC-MORPHO_TRAIN/AeliusMaxentOpenNLP.bin"
>>> reload(AnotaCorpus)

>>> AnotaCorpus.anota_texto(texto,opennlp,"opennlp",Toqueniza.TOK_PORT_MM,separacao_contracoes=True)
Arquivo anotado:
>>> leitor_de_corpus=nltk.corpus.TaggedCorpusReader(".","actg.opennlp.txt")
>>> sentencas_anotadas=leitor_de_corpus.tagged_sents()
>>> for w,t in sentencas_anotadas[3]:
	print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

O/ART  objetivo/N  central/ADJ  de/PREP|+  este/PROADJ  livro/N  é/V  preencher/V  a/ART  lacuna/N  existente/ADJ  de/PREP  obras/N  que/PRO-KS-REL  explorem/V  ,/,  de/PREP  forma/N  mais/ADV  aprofundada/PCP  ,/,  a/ART  aplicação/N  computacional/ADJ  de/PREP  pesquisas/N  em/PREP  sintaxe/N  formal/ADJ  ./. 

Third-party models

Apache OpenNLP models

Documentation under construction. See source code.

>>> opennlp="../MAC-MORPHO_TRAIN/AeliusMaxentOpenNLP.bin"
>>> AnotaCorpus.anota_texto(texto,opennlp,"opennlp",Toqueniza.TOK_PORT_MM,separacao_contracoes=True)
Arquivo anotado:
>>> leitor_de_corpus=nltk.corpus.TaggedCorpusReader(".","actg.opennlp.txt")
>>> sentencas_anotadas=leitor_de_corpus.tagged_sents()
>>> for w,t in sentencas_anotadas[3]:
	print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

O/ART  objetivo/N  central/ADJ  de/PREP|+  este/PROADJ  livro/N  é/V  preencher/V  a/ART  lacuna/N  existente/ADJ  de/PREP  obras/N  que/PRO-KS-REL  explorem/V  ,/,  de/PREP  forma/N  mais/ADV  aprofundada/PCP  ,/,  a/ART  aplicação/N  computacional/ADJ  de/PREP  pesquisas/N  em/PREP  sintaxe/N  formal/ADJ  ./. 
>>> AnotaCorpus.INFIXO="opennlp_perceptron"
>>> opennlp="../MAC-MORPHO_TRAIN/AeliusPerceptronOpenNLP.bin"
>>> AnotaCorpus.anota_texto(texto,opennlp,"opennlp",Toqueniza.TOK_PORT_MM,separacao_contracoes=True)
Arquivo anotado:
>>> leitor_de_corpus=nltk.corpus.TaggedCorpusReader(".","actg.opennlp_perceptron.txt")
>>> sentencas_anotadas=leitor_de_corpus.tagged_sents()
>>> for w,t in sentencas_anotadas[3]:
	print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

O/ART  objetivo/N  central/ADJ  de/PREP|+  este/PROADJ  livro/N  é/V  preencher/V  a/ART  lacuna/N  existente/ADJ  de/PREP  obras/N  que/PRO-KS-REL  explorem/V  ,/,  de/PREP  forma/N  mais/ADV  aprofundada/PCP  ,/,  a/ART  aplicação/N  computacional/ADJ  de/PREP  pesquisas/N  em/PREP  sintaxe/V  formal/ADJ  ./. 

Support of different tokenization strategies

Documentation under construction. See source code.
Word tokenization in Portuguese can be much more complicated than just separating words from punctuation, which, in its turn, is far from trivial when dealing with real-world texts. Two phenomena add an extra layer of complexity to this problem: contractions and clitics (so called enclitic pronouns) who left adjoin to their heads (mostly verbs), in which case they are connected with hyphens. Splitting contractions and enclitic pronouns is necessary to tag text in Portuguese with models trained on the MAC-Morpho corpus, for example, while it is not recquired when tagging with models trained on the Tycho Brahe Parsed Corpus of Historical Portuguese. LX-Tagger also assumes segmenting contractions and enclitics, which are handled in a slightly different manner than in the MAC-Morpho corpus. Aelius tokenizers handle these different tokenizing strategies, as it has already been shown in the previous sections.

Outputting morpho-syntactic annotation in TEI P5 XML format

Documentation under construction. See source code.

>>> from Aelius import AnotaCorpus,Toqueniza, Extras
>>> m=Extras.carrega("AeliusHunPosMM")
>>> import os
>>> os.chdir("../analises")
>>> t="actg.txt"
>>> AnotaCorpus.anota_texto(t,m,"hunpos",Toqueniza.TOK_PORT_MM,separacao_contracoes=True,formato="xml")
Arquivo anotado:

Excerpt from output file

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<TEI><!-- TEI P5 header based on template created with EditiX>
	<teiHeader xml:lang="en">
				<title>title of the resource</title>
				<author>author of the resource</author>
					<resp>compiled by</resp>
					<name>compiler's name</name>
				<p>supply publication information</p>
				<p>supply information about the source</p>
	<text xml:lang="pt">
			<div n="1" type="chap">
				<p n="1">
					<s n="1">
						<w type="N" xml:id="w1">Abordagens</w>
						<w type="ADJ" xml:id="w2">Computacionais</w>
						<w type="PREP|+" xml:id="w3">de</w>
						<w type="ART" xml:id="w4">a</w>
						<w type="NPROP" xml:id="w5">Teoria</w>
						<w type="PREP|+" xml:id="w6">de</w>
						<w type="ART" xml:id="w7">a</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w8">Gramática</w>
						<w type="." xml:id="w9">.</w>
					<s n="2">
						<w type="NPROP" xml:id="w10">Organização</w>
						<w type=":" xml:id="w11">:</w>
						<w type="NPROP" xml:id="w12">Leonel</w>
						<w type="NPROP" xml:id="w13">Figueiredo</w>
						<w type="NPROP" xml:id="w14">de</w>
						<w type="NPROP" xml:id="w15">Alencar</w>
						<w type="KC" xml:id="w16">e</w>
						<w type="NPROP" xml:id="w17">Gabriel</w>
						<w type="NPROP" xml:id="w18">de</w>
						<w type="NPROP" xml:id="w19">Ávila</w>
						<w type="NPROP" xml:id="w20">Othero</w>
						<w type="." xml:id="w21">.</w>
					<s n="3">
						<w type="NPROP" xml:id="w22">Campinas</w>
						<w type=":" xml:id="w23">:</w>
						<w type="NPROP" xml:id="w24">Mercado</w>
						<w type="NPROP" xml:id="w25">de</w>
						<w type="NPROP" xml:id="w26">Letras</w>
						<w type="," xml:id="w27">,</w>
						<w type="N|AP" xml:id="w28">2012</w>
						<w type="." xml:id="w29">.</w>
				<p n="2">
					<s n="4">
						<w type="ART" xml:id="w30">O</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w31">objetivo</w>
						<w type="ADJ" xml:id="w32">central</w>
						<w type="PREP|+" xml:id="w33">de</w>
						<w type="PROADJ" xml:id="w34">este</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w35">livro</w>
						<w type="VAUX" xml:id="w36">é</w>
						<w type="V" xml:id="w37">preencher</w>
						<w type="ART" xml:id="w38">a</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w39">lacuna</w>
						<w type="ADJ" xml:id="w40">existente</w>
						<w type="PREP" xml:id="w41">de</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w42">obras</w>
						<w type="PRO-KS-REL" xml:id="w43">que</w>
						<w type="V" xml:id="w44">explorem</w>
						<w type="," xml:id="w45">,</w>
						<w type="PREP" xml:id="w46">de</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w47">forma</w>
						<w type="ADV" xml:id="w48">mais</w>
						<w type="PCP" xml:id="w49">aprofundada</w>
						<w type="," xml:id="w50">,</w>
						<w type="ART" xml:id="w51">a</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w52">aplicação</w>
						<w type="ADJ" xml:id="w53">computacional</w>
						<w type="PREP" xml:id="w54">de</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w55">pesquisas</w>
						<w type="PREP" xml:id="w56">em</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w57">sintaxe</w>
						<w type="ADJ" xml:id="w58">formal</w>
						<w type="." xml:id="w59">.</w>
					<s n="5">
						<w type="N" xml:id="w60">Busca</w>
						<w type="V" xml:id="w61">oferecer</w>
						<w type="PREP|+" xml:id="w62">a</w>
						<w type="ART" xml:id="w63">os</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w64">leitores</w>
						<w type="PREP" xml:id="w65">de</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w66">língua</w>
						<w type="ADJ" xml:id="w67">portuguesa</w>
						<w type="ART" xml:id="w68">um</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w69">material</w>
						<w type="ADV" xml:id="w70">teoricamente</w>
						<w type="ADV" xml:id="w71">bem</w>
						<w type="PCP" xml:id="w72">fundamentado</w>
						<w type="KC" xml:id="w73">e</w>
						<w type="," xml:id="w74">,</w>
						<w type="PREP|+" xml:id="w75">a</w>
						<w type="ART" xml:id="w76">o</w>
						<w type="PROADJ" xml:id="w77">mesmo</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w78">tempo</w>
						<w type="," xml:id="w79">,</w>
						<w type="PREP" xml:id="w80">de</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w81">leitura</w>
						<w type="ADJ" xml:id="w82">acessível</w>
						<w type="PREP|+" xml:id="w83">em</w>
						<w type="ART" xml:id="w84">a</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w85">área</w>
						<w type="PREP" xml:id="w86">de</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w87">interface</w>
						<w type="PREP" xml:id="w88">entre</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w89">gramática</w>
						<w type="KC" xml:id="w90">e</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w91">computação</w>
						<w type="," xml:id="w92">,</w>
						<w type="PREP" xml:id="w93">sob</w>
						<w type="ART" xml:id="w94">a</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w95">perspectiva</w>
						<w type="PREP" xml:id="w96">de</w>
						<w type="PROSUB" xml:id="w97">alguns</w>
						<w type="PREP|+" xml:id="w98">de</w>
						<w type="ART" xml:id="w99">os</w>
						<w type="ADJ" xml:id="w100">principais</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w101">modelos</w>
						<w type="ADJ" xml:id="w102">linguísticos</w>
						<w type="PREP|+" xml:id="w103">de</w>
						<w type="ART" xml:id="w104">os</w>
						<w type="ADJ" xml:id="w105">últimos</w>
						<w type="NUM" xml:id="w106">25</w>
						<w type="N" xml:id="w107">anos</w>
						<w type="PCP" xml:id="w108">caracterizadas</w>
						<w type="PREP" xml:id="w109">por</w>
						<w type="ART" xml:id="w110">um</w>
						<w type="N|EST" xml:id="w111">design</w>
						<w type="ADJ" xml:id="w112">computacional</w>
						<w type="." xml:id="w113">.</w>

Evaluating tagger accuracy

Documentation under construction. See source code.

Taggers trained on the MAC-Morpho Corpus

Taggers trained on a contemporary newspaper corpus reveal less than 95% accuracy in tagging a small sample of early 20th century litterary prose (first two paragraphs of Domingos Olímpio's Luzia-Homem):

>>> from Aelius import Avalia
>>> import os
>>> os.chdir("../analises")
>>> from Aelius import Extras
>>> s=Extras.carrega("AeliusStanfordMM")
>>> h=Extras.carrega("AeliusHunPosMM")
>>> m=Extras.carrega("AeliusMaxEntMM")
>>> o="../MAC-MORPHO_TRAIN/AeliusPerceptronOpenNLP.bin"
>>> gold=""
>>> Avalia.TestaEtiquetador(s,"stanford",ouro=gold)
Total de erros: 16
Total de palavras:170
>>> Avalia.TestaEtiquetador(h,"hunpos",ouro=gold)
Total de erros: 9
Total de palavras:170
>>> Avalia.TestaEtiquetador(m,"mxpost",ouro=gold)
Total de erros: 10
Total de palavras:170
>>> Avalia.TestaEtiquetador(o,"opennlp",ouro=gold)
Total de erros: 17
Total de palavras:170
>>> Avalia.VERBOSE=True
>>> Avalia.TestaEtiquetador(o,"opennlp",ouro=gold)
Total de erros: 17
Total de palavras:170
>>> Avalia.exibe_erros()
Anotação automática	Anotação humana

suave/PROADJ	suave/ADJ
declive/N|EST	declive/N
deixara/V	deixara/VAUX
Bateram/V	Bateram/V|+
vastos/N	vastos/ADJ
currais/ADJ	currais/N
grossos/N	grossos/ADJ
esteios/ADJ	esteios/N
rijos/N	rijos/ADJ
lúgubre/N	lúgubre/ADJ
vestígio/ADJ	vestígio/N
mansas/N	mansas/ADJ
então/PDEN	então/ADV

Taggers trained on the Tycho Brahe Parsed Corpus of Historical Portuguese

Accuracy of different taggers on the same sample above:

>>> h=Extras.carrega("AeliusHunPos")
>>> m=Extras.carrega("AeliusMaxEnt")
>>> gold=""
>>> Avalia.TestaEtiquetador(h,"hunpos",ouro=gold)
Total de erros: 4
Total de palavras:158
>>> Avalia.TestaEtiquetador(m,"mxpost",ouro=gold)
Total de erros: 6
Total de palavras:158

Accuracy increases when these taggers are applied to a contemporary text (see aelius_data folder):

>>> gold=Extras.carrega("")
>>> import os
>>> raiz,nome=os.path.split(gold)
>>> s=Extras.carrega("AeliusStanfordMM")
>>> h=Extras.carrega("AeliusHunPosMM")
>>> m=Extras.carrega("AeliusMaxEntMM")
>>> o="../MAC-MORPHO_TRAIN/AeliusPerceptronOpenNLP.bin"
>>> om="../MAC-MORPHO_TRAIN/AeliusMaxentOpenNLP.bin"
>>> Avalia.TestaEtiquetador(s,"stanford",raiz=raiz,ouro=nome)
Total de erros: 51
Total de palavras:743
>>> Avalia.TestaEtiquetador(h,"hunpos",raiz=raiz,ouro=nome)
Total de erros: 28
Total de palavras:743
>>> Avalia.TestaEtiquetador(m,"mxpost",raiz=raiz,ouro=nome)
Total de erros: 29
Total de palavras:743
>>> Avalia.TestaEtiquetador(o,"opennlp",raiz=raiz,ouro=nome)
Total de erros: 25
Total de palavras:743
>>> Avalia.TestaEtiquetador(om,"opennlp",raiz=raiz,ouro=nome)
Total de erros: 39
Total de palavras:743

Exploring tagged texts

Documentation under construction. See source code.

Chunking with Aelius

Documentation under construction. See source code.

Chunking a sentence

>>> from Aelius import AnotaCorpus, Extras, Toqueniza, Chunking
>>> lx=Extras.carrega("lxtagger")
>>> tok=Toqueniza.TOK_PORT_LX2
>>> import os
>>> raiz, nome=os.path.split(Extras.carrega("actg.txt"))
>>> leitor_de_corpus=AnotaCorpus.extrai_corpus(nome,raiz,toquenizador_vocabular=tok)
>>> sents=leitor_de_corpus.sents()
>>> print sents[5]
[u'Na', u'Europa', u'e', u'nos', u'Estados', u'Unidos', u',', u'a', u'\xe1rea', u'da', u'Lingu\xedstica', u'Computacional', u'est\xe1', u'em', u'extrema', u'expans\xe3o', u'e', u'goza', u'de', u'muita', u'popularidade', u',', u'tanto', u'nos', u'cursos', u'de', u'Ci\xeancias', u'da', u'Computa\xe7\xe3o', u'quanto', u'nos', u'de', u'Lingu\xedstica', u'.']
>>> anotadas=AnotaCorpus.anota_sentencas([sents[5]],lx,"mxpost",separacao_contracoes=True)
>>> for w,t in anotadas[0]:
	print "%s/%s " % (w,t),

Em/PREP  a/DA  Europa/PNM  e/CJ  em/PREP  os/DA  Estados/PNM  Unidos/PNM  ,/PNT  a/DA  área/CN  de/PREP  a/DA  Linguística/PNM  Computacional/PNM  está/V  em/PREP  extrema/ADJ  expansão/CN  e/CJ  goza/CN  de/PREP  muita/QNT  popularidade/CN  ,/PNT  tanto/ADV  em/PREP  os/DA  cursos/CN  de/PREP  Ciências/PNM  de/PREP  a/DA  Computação/CN  quanto/REL  nos/CL  de/PREP  Linguística/PNM  ./PNT 
>>> chunks=Chunking.CHUNKER.batch_parse(anotadas)
>>> chunks[0]
Tree('S', [(u'Em', u'PREP'), Tree('NP', [(u'a', u'DA'), (u'Europa', u'PNM')]), (u'e', u'CJ'), (u'em', u'PREP'), Tree('NP', [(u'os', u'DA'), (u'Estados', u'PNM'), (u'Unidos', u'PNM')]), (u',', u'PNT'), Tree('NP', [(u'a', u'DA'), (u'\xe1rea', u'CN')]), (u'de', u'PREP'), Tree('NP', [(u'a', u'DA'), (u'Lingu\xedstica', u'PNM'), (u'Computacional', u'PNM')]), (u'est\xe1', u'V'), (u'em', u'PREP'), Tree('NP', [(u'extrema', u'ADJ'), (u'expans\xe3o', u'CN')]), (u'e', u'CJ'), Tree('NP', [(u'goza', u'CN')]), (u'de', u'PREP'), Tree('NP', [(u'muita', u'QNT'), (u'popularidade', u'CN')]), (u',', u'PNT'), (u'tanto', u'ADV'), (u'em', u'PREP'), Tree('NP', [(u'os', u'DA'), (u'cursos', u'CN')]), (u'de', u'PREP'), Tree('NP', [(u'Ci\xeancias', u'PNM')]), (u'de', u'PREP'), Tree('NP', [(u'a', u'DA'), (u'Computa\xe7\xe3o', u'CN')]), (u'quanto', u'REL'), (u'nos', u'CL'), (u'de', u'PREP'), Tree('NP', [(u'Lingu\xedstica', u'PNM')]), (u'.', u'PNT')])
>>> chunks[0].draw()
>>> import nltk
>>> iob=nltk.chunk.tree2conllstr(chunks[0])
>>> iob
u'Em PREP O\na DA B-NP\nEuropa PNM I-NP\ne CJ O\nem PREP O\nos DA B-NP\nEstados PNM I-NP\nUnidos PNM I-NP\n, PNT O\na DA B-NP\n\xe1rea CN I-NP\nde PREP O\na DA B-NP\nLingu\xedstica PNM I-NP\nComputacional PNM I-NP\nest\xe1 V O\nem PREP O\nextrema ADJ B-NP\nexpans\xe3o CN I-NP\ne CJ O\ngoza CN B-NP\nde PREP O\nmuita QNT B-NP\npopularidade CN I-NP\n, PNT O\ntanto ADV O\nem PREP O\nos DA B-NP\ncursos CN I-NP\nde PREP O\nCi\xeancias PNM B-NP\nde PREP O\na DA B-NP\nComputa\xe7\xe3o CN I-NP\nquanto REL O\nnos CL O\nde PREP O\nLingu\xedstica PNM B-NP\n. PNT O'
>>> print iob
Europa PNM I-NP
e CJ O
os DA B-NP
Estados PNM I-NP
Unidos PNM I-NP
área CN I-NP
Linguística PNM I-NP
Computacional PNM I-NP
está V O
extrema ADJ B-NP
expansão CN I-NP
e CJ O
goza CN B-NP
muita QNT B-NP
popularidade CN I-NP
tanto ADV O
os DA B-NP
cursos CN I-NP
Ciências PNM B-NP
Computação CN I-NP
quanto REL O
nos CL O
Linguística PNM B-NP

chunk tree

Chunking a file

>>> from Aelius import Extras, Toqueniza, AnotaCorpus, Chunking
>>> import os
>>> raiz,nome=os.path.split(Extras.carrega("actg.txt"))
>>> lx=Extras.carrega("lxtagger")
>>> os.chdir("../analises")
>>> AnotaCorpus.anota_texto(nome,lx,"mxpost",toquenizador=Toqueniza.TOK_PORT_LX2,raiz=raiz,separacao_contracoes=True)
Arquivo anotado:
>>> Chunking.CriaChunkedCorpus(".","actg.mxpost.txt")
>>> s=open("actg.mxpost.trees.txt","rU").read().strip().split("\n\n")
>>> s[0]
'(S\n  (NP\n    Abordagens/PNM\n    Computacionais/PNM\n    de/PREP\n    a/DA\n    Teoria/PNM\n    de/PREP\n    a/DA\n    Gram\xc3\xa1tica/PNM)\n  ./PNT)'
>>> print s[0]
>>> print s[5]
  (NP a/DA Europa/PNM)
  (NP os/DA Estados/PNM Unidos/PNM)
  (NP a/DA área/CN)
  (NP a/DA Linguística/PNM Computacional/PNM)
  (NP extrema/ADJ expansão/CN)
  (NP goza/CN)
  (NP muita/QNT popularidade/CN)
  (NP os/DA cursos/CN)
  (NP Ciências/PNM)
  (NP a/DA Computação/CN)
  (NP Linguística/PNM)
>>> from nltk import Tree
>>> Tree.parse(s[5])
Tree('S', ['Em/PREP', Tree('NP', ['a/DA', 'Europa/PNM']), 'e/CJ', 'em/PREP', Tree('NP', ['os/DA', 'Estados/PNM', 'Unidos/PNM']), ',/PNT', Tree('NP', ['a/DA', '\xc3\xa1rea/CN']), 'de/PREP', Tree('NP', ['a/DA', 'Lingu\xc3\xadstica/PNM', 'Computacional/PNM']), 'est\xc3\xa1/V', 'em/PREP', Tree('NP', ['extrema/ADJ', 'expans\xc3\xa3o/CN']), 'e/CJ', Tree('NP', ['goza/CN']), 'de/PREP', Tree('NP', ['muita/QNT', 'popularidade/CN']), ',/PNT', 'tanto/ADV', 'em/PREP', Tree('NP', ['os/DA', 'cursos/CN']), 'de/PREP', Tree('NP', ['Ci\xc3\xaancias/PNM']), 'de/PREP', Tree('NP', ['a/DA', 'Computa\xc3\xa7\xc3\xa3o/CN']), 'quanto/REL', 'nos/CL', 'de/PREP', Tree('NP', ['Lingu\xc3\xadstica/PNM']), './PNT'])
>>> print Tree.parse(s[5]).pprint()
  (NP a/DA Europa/PNM)
  (NP os/DA Estados/PNM Unidos/PNM)
  (NP a/DA área/CN)
  (NP a/DA Linguística/PNM Computacional/PNM)
  (NP extrema/ADJ expansão/CN)
  (NP goza/CN)
  (NP muita/QNT popularidade/CN)
  (NP os/DA cursos/CN)
  (NP Ciências/PNM)
  (NP a/DA Computação/CN)
  (NP Linguística/PNM)

Obtaining help

Documentation under construction. See source code.

>>> help(AnotaCorpus.toqueniza_contracoes)
Help on function toqueniza_contracoes in module Aelius.AnotaCorpus:

    Esta função primeiro anota as sentenças com o TAGGER2, para depois utilizar seu output para separar as contrações.
    >>> tokens1=AnotaCorpus.TOK_PORT.tokenize(AnotaCorpus.EXEMPLO)
    >>> tokens1
    [u'Os', u'candidatos', u'classificáveis', u'dos', u'cursos', u'de', u'Sistemas', u'de', u'Informação', u'poderão', u'ocupar', u'as', u'vagas', u'remanescentes', u'do', u'Curso', u'de', u'Engenharia', u'de', u'Software', u'.']
    >>> AnotaCorpus.toqueniza_contracoes([tokens1])
    [[u'Os', u'candidatos', u'classificáveis', u'de', u'os', u'cursos', u'de', u'Sistemas', u'de', u'Informação', u'poderão', u'ocupar', u'as', u'vagas', u'remanescentes', u'de', u'o', u'Curso', u'de', u'Engenharia', u'de', u'Software', u'.']]

Contributing to Aelius

Presently, Aelius is restricted to the very first stages of the computational processing of Portuguese: tokenization, POS-tagging and chunking, the latter still being not much advanced. Contributions from the free software/open source community are welcome to implement further Python, NLTK-based modules (or interfaces to external freely avaialable tools) of the NLP pipeline for Brazilian Portuguese. Developers are encouraged to enrich Aelius, for example, with following facilities :
As far as lemmatization is concerned, one can simply adapt freely avaialable and/or open source tools to Python and NLTK, such as the TreeTagger with Pablo Gamallo's parameter file or FreeLing. We show below one way to do this.

>>> from Aelius import FreeLing
>>> from Aelius.Extras import carrega
>>> m=carrega("AeliusFreeLing")
>>> sent="O morro do Curral do Açougue emergia em suave declive da campina ondulada.".decode("utf-8")
>>> tok=FreeLing.FreeLingTokenizer()
>>> tokens=tok.tokenize(sent)
>>> tokens
[u'O', u'morro', u'de', u'o', u'Curral_de_o_A\xe7ougue', u'emergia', u'em', u'suave', u'declive', u'de', u'a', u'campina', u'ondulada', u'.']
>>> tagger=FreeLing.FreeLingTagger(m)
>>> sentenca_anotada=tagger.tag(tokens)
>>> sentenca_anotada
[('O', 'o', 'DA0MS0'), ('morro', 'morro', 'NCMS000'), ('de', 'de', 'SPS00'), ('o', 'o', 'DA0MS0'), ('Curral_de_o_A\xc3\xa7ougue', 'curral_de_o_a\xc3\xa7ougue', 'NP00000'), ('emergia', 'emergir', 'VMII3S0'), ('em', 'em', 'SPS00'), ('suave', 'suave', 'AQ0CS0'), ('declive', 'declive', 'NCMS000'), ('de', 'de', 'SPS00'), ('a', 'o', 'DA0FS0'), ('campina', 'campina', 'NCFS000'), ('ondulada', 'ondular', 'VMP00SF'), ('.', '.', 'Fp')]
>>> for token,lema,etiqueta in sentenca_anotada:
	print "%s\t%s\t%s" % (token,lema,etiqueta)

O	o	DA0MS0
morro	morro	NCMS000
de	de	SPS00
o	o	DA0MS0
Curral_de_o_Açougue	curral_de_o_açougue	NP00000
emergia	emergir	VMII3S0
em	em	SPS00
suave	suave	AQ0CS0
declive	declive	NCMS000
de	de	SPS00
a	o	DA0FS0
campina	campina	NCFS000
ondulada	ondular	VMP00SF
.	.	Fp

Creative Commons License
Aelius User's Manual by Leonel Figueiredo de Alencar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Last update: 2014-November-03